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What is a combined Physiotherapy and Chiropractic treatment?
From our many years of experience, we have found that a majority of patients who are in pain have difficulty knowing what type of practitioner to see for their complaints. We have made it easy by creating a combined physiotherapy & chiropractic assessment and treatment consultation. This has been done because our director is a dual registered physiotherapist and chiropractor. This means if you opt for this treatment approach and we asses that you may benefit from a combined treatment, then you will receive this.
A typical combined treatment will involve an in depth history. This will be followed by an in depth physiotherapy and chiropractic assessment. This will then be followed by a combined physiotherapy and chiropractic treatment. You may receive a combination of soft tissue work, stretches, dry needling, cupping, mobilisations, adjustments, exercises and advice.
This type of treatment approach can be helpful for:
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Elbow pain
Wrist Pain
Hand Pain
Mid Back Pain
Low Back Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Ankle Pain
Foot pain